Prime Minister Mukhamedkalyi Abylgaziev visited Jeruy


On July 6, 2019, Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Mukhamedkalyi Abylgaziev visited the Jeruy production site. The Head of the Government and the officials of a number of government agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as local governments of Talas oblast, inspected the facilities under construction, including a geomembrane laying site at the tailings pond. The representative of the general contractor AAEngineering Group LLP, which is building this facility, said that the most advanced and expensive materials of international quality standards are used at the tailings management facility, which pass all necessary examinations. The Prime Minister appreciated the high quality of the presented geomembranes.

Mukhamedkalyi Abylgaziev wished the mine an early start and pointed out that the life of the project may be extended. Despite the fact that the license agreement says that the project is designed for 20 years, given the significant contribution of the mine to economic development in the region and the country as a whole, the project may be extended to 35 years, — said the Head of Government.

Alliance Altyn puts maximum effort into the timely launch of the main building of the gold processing plant. As of today, the construction of the Mill is 50% complete," said Mikhail Shubin, CEO of Alliance Altyn LLC. He noted that Jeruy creates up to a thousand jobs, and local residents can receive vocational training. The project also opened up interaction opportunities for many contractors in the Kyrgyz Republic.

During the visit, a solemn planting of a spruce by Mukhamedkalyi Abylgaziev took place. Prime Minister also met with the company's employees, from whom he inquired about working conditions.