Alliance Altyn is KRSU’s industrial partner
Alliance Altyn became an industrial partner of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University. A memorandum of cooperation between the mining company and the university was signed today.
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Three social and production facilities commissioned in Bekmoldo village as a result of development of the Jeruy deposit
On January 19, 2024, a new cultural and sports complex, a sewing shop with 30 jobs, and a reconstructed village museum were opened in Kara-Oy village of Talas district.
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Alliance Altyn ranks 2nd among Kyrgyz 500 largest tax paying companies
Alliance Altyn ranked second among 500 largest companies in 2022 in terms of tax payments.
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Alliance Altyn transferred more than KGS 1 billion to local development funds
Since the start of its operation at Jeruy site in Talas region, Alliance Altyn has contributed more than KGS 1.17 billion to three local development funds, the company’s press service reported.
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Alliance Altyn fully furnished a new kindergarten opened in Aitmatov district
A new kindergarten for 50 children was constructed in Kara-Buura village, Aitmatov district, Talas region.
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Alliance Altyn fully geared ten members of the Kyrgyz national wrestling team
Alliance Altyn provided gear to ten athletes of the national wrestling team for their upcoming world championship.
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Alliance Altyn LLC paid KGS 12.2 billion of taxes to the Kyrgyz budget
Since the launch of the gold-processing plant through July 2023, Alliance Altyn LLC has paid KGS 12.2 billion of taxes to the Kyrgyz budget. Including KGS 8.3 billion on proceeds from the sale of gold.
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Office in Bishkek:

Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 720040, Chingiz Aitmatov ave., 48

Phone: +996 (312) 975 501

E-mail: office@alliance-altyn.kg

PS "Jeruy":

Talas oblast, Talas district, Bekmoldo village council, Sasyk-Bulak village

Educational programs

The staff training program includes several steps:

  • conducting a certification committee, selecting participants;
  • organization of the training process at Vocational Lyceum No. 110 in the village of Manas, Talas district;
  • internship at the Jeruy mine.

Job openings

You can submit your CV to:

Bakubat Talas Fund

The Bakubat Talas Welfare Fund was created to address local social issues, promote job creation and infrastructure development