Another mini-football field was built in Talas District using funds from Jeruy

On July 14, another mini-football court was put into operation in the village of Aral, Talas District, built with funds from the license to exploit the Jeruy gold deposit.

At the suggestion of local residents, this place was named after the late Rakhmanaaly uulu Suyuntai, who had long worked in the local rural school as a teacher of physical education.

In this regard, at the opening of the sports field, the family of Rakhmanaaly uulu Suyuntai and the Alliance Altyn LLC organized a special mini-football tournament. 22 teams from Talas region and Talas city took part in the competition, the first place was won by the Kushubak team from Manas village in a fierce struggle, the Tamadalar team from Talas city took second place, the Aral team from Aral village finished third. Fourth place went to the Manas team of the Omuraliev aiyl okmotu, which received an incentive prize.

The winners of the games received trophies and cash prizes from the hosts, the family and friends of Rakhmanaaly uulu Suyuntai. In addition, the Kushubak team – the champion of the competition – was awarded a cup and gold medals by Alliance Altyn. The other competition winners received silver and bronze medals.  

The refereeing team determined the winners in the categories "Best Goalkeeper", "Best Defender", "Best Forward", "Best Coach", the winners also received cash prizes from the Alliance Altyn company.

This is the 9th mini-football court built with funds from the license for the exploitation of the Jeruy gold deposit.